OE Transition Program Graduates Students with Help of Community Partners
Opportunity Enterprises recently graduated students from Chesterton and LaPorte High School from its Transition Program, which gives students with disabilities the opportunity to explore their career interests and visit organizations in their fields of interest to help them identify their post-high school goals. The summer program partnered with Chesterton High School, LaPorte High School, and several local community businesses, who provided students with the opportunity to gain hands-on introductions to the workforce in a variety of fields, including customer service, food prep, and janitorial work.
With the success of the first graduating class of students, there are plans to expand the Transition Program into the upcoming school years. “We’re excited that the opportunity has become available for students throughout Northwest Indiana, and are looking forward to expanding to other schools in the upcoming school year,” says Opportunity Enterprises JobSource Community Employment Director, Kathleen Parks Savich. “We’re thrilled by the success of the summer program in both Porter and LaPorte Counties.”
If you would like more information about how you can get involved with OE’s Transition Program as a school or business partner, please contact Kathie Parks Savich at (219) 464-9621 ext. 213 or kathleen.savich@oppent.org