Career Exploration Summer Camp
Enjoy an exciting range of work-based learning experiences in retail, industrial, food service, customer service, and custodial services starting at $10.00 per hour. Develop financial literacy skills and participate in fun life skills activities.
Open to qualifying students between the ages 14-22 with an IEP, 504, or other qualifying medical note and be enrolled in the Pre-ETS program. Group and Individual sessions available. Half and full day options available.
Check back for our 2025 dates!
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Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
Who We Are
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) is a state program offered through Opportunity Enterprises’ JobSource Division. This is a great opportunity to ensure qualifying students have access to meaningful career planning in order to help with the seamless movement from high school to employment or post-secondary education.
What We Do
The Pre-ETS program offers qualifying students the opportunity to learn and explore various career areas through paid and non-paid work-based learning experiences, along with workplace readiness training. Students will also learn about self-advocacy.
Students seeking a post-secondary educational option in a college/university/technical/trade school will meet with a Student Career Advisor. Together they will work through the process of scheduling tours, and assisting with the application and financial aid process.
Pre-ETS services are provided by a Student Career Advisor in both group and one-on-one sessions. All of these services are to prepare each student for a productive and meaningful life after high school.
Plan your path!
How It Works
This program is designed for qualifying students between the ages of 14-22. To qualify for the Pre-ETS program, interested students must also have an IEP, 504, or any other qualifying medical note.

Our Services

Job Exploration Counseling
May include ability surveys, transition assessments, reviewing career websites, high school based courses on career choices, or similar activities.
Postsecondary Education
May include exploration of the wide range of career pathways (agriculture, manufacturing, etc.), counseling on postsecondary training opportunities including community colleges, universities, trade/technical schools, etc., and counseling to support a smooth transition from high school to postsecondary education (documenting and advocating for accommodations, identifying financial aid options, etc.).
Self-Advocacy Training
May include instruction in self-awareness, disability disclosure, requesting accommodations, understand rights and responsibilities, self-determination, etc. and mentoring, including peer mentoring.
Workplace Readiness Training
May include employability skills training, social/interpersonal skills (communication, problem solving, decision making, conflict resolution, empathy, professionalism, etc.) and independent living skills training (good hygiene, money management, using transportation, time management, using technology and assistive technology, appropriate dress, appropriate behavior, etc.).
Work Based Learning
May include paid or non-paid work experience in the community, volunteer work, job shadows, short or long-term internships, apprenticeships, on the job training, and employer mentoring activities.
If you are interested in learning more, please call 219.510.5330 or e-mail us your contact information so we can set up a time to connect.