In Lake, Porter, and LaPorte Counties
there are 11,700 individuals with a
cognitive disability under the age of 34.
OE’s Respite mission is two-fold
Provides children and adults with disabilities a place of their own to gain independence and explore personal interests.
Provides caregivers a much deserved temporary break from the responsibilities of caring for their loved one with special needs.
Adult and children’s wing
Secured doors with video for entry
Hoyer lifts safely assist those in wheelchairs
24-hour staffing
18,000 sq ft for indoor activities
21 beds for overnight stays
Lake view seating area for dining, board games, and crafts
Recreation room for indoor activities
Multiple living rooms for movie nights, video games, and relaxation
Snoezelen multi-sensory therapeutic room
Large outdoor deck with lake views
Walkout basement
Large kitchen in the center of the home
Wheelchair accessible countertops
Fully Accessible Treehouse!
As we imagine the possibilities we have before us, we envision the experiences that we will provide individuals with disabilities.
Imagine your role in transforming a place into a destination, and possibilities into realities.
-Neil Samahon, CEO
Families depend on respite care, but many have nowhere to go. The need is great and the waiting list is long. Your donation ensures that in our community – families will have an even better place to turn for respite care.
This new Lakeside Respite building will usher in the next phase of OE’s services available on the shores of Lake Eliza.
Give online today!
For more information, call 219-464-9621 x244.